Dennis Fei

Dennis Fei

Hairstylist Dennis Fei's technical skill and visual sensibility allow him to create incredible looks ranging from edgy to romantic and everything in between. Dennis launched his career at only 15, working part-time in a hair salon where he discovered a passion for helping people feel more confident and beautiful. Along with his appreciation for fashion and the creation of style, this passion led him to become a leading hairstylist with a long list of editorial publications and years of experience backstage at top fashion shows. He's also a fashion photographer,  you can find him work for both hair and photography on the top fashion publications. 

DennisFei的專業技術和視覺美感創造出從浪漫到前衛的驚人造型 15歲那年他在美髮沙龍打工時發覺他對讓人變美麗和自信的熱情 帶著這股從小對創意和時尚的憧憬 他從台北到溫哥華 蒙特婁 北京 最後在紐約加入了國際時尚經紀公司Kate Ryan Inc. 他在全世界各地的時尚雜誌作品和多年的時裝周後台經驗 讓他成為世界時尚舞台的頂尖髮型師 。對於藝術 Dennis擁有無限渴望 除了造型 他也跨足時尚攝影 你可以在Vogue/ Bazzar 等國際時尚雜誌看到他的髮型作品 同樣也能在攝影發現他的名字。 他創造時髦的髮型 也創造高級且雋永的視覺。